Dutch Masters
Dutch Masters has been a top name in the cigar-smoking world for over a century. Their consistency, slow-burning appeal, and unique yet sweet tobacco flavors have made them a legend in the stogie community. What sets Dutches apart is their use of natural tobacco leaf wrappers, which give their cigars their signature flavors. The brand is also known for crafting slow-burning cigars with carefully refined combinations of Cuban seed tobacco leaves, making them a go-to choice for many smokers.
Dutch Masters cigars are mild, with fruity or chocolatey flavor notes that delicately present themselves in each slow draw. They offer a range of styles and flavors including full-sized and cigarillo variants. Mini-Dutch Master is also another popular option, and the brand has over 30 different types of cigars to choose from. Dutch Masters cigarillo flavors include White Grape, Sweet, Russian Cream, Palma, Green, Deluxe, Chocolate, Sweet Fusion, Honey Fusion, Irish Fusion, Green Envy, Berry Fusion, Blue Dream Fusion, and a signature Dutch Blend.
At Buy Pipe Tobacco, you can find your favorite Dutch Masters cigars at close to wholesale prices. The site sells all the most popular cigarillo flavors as well as full-size Dutch Masters President and Palma cigars. With fast nationwide shipping and superior customer service, Buy Pipe Tobacco is the perfect place to order your Dutch Masters cigars.