Backwoods Cigars
With an enduring legacy of quality and excellence, Backwoods Cigars has consistently delivered on the promise of a rustic, yet authentic, experience that takes you back to the wild, wild west side!
Introduced in 1973, these premium machine-made cigars swiftly garnered immense popularity, a trend that not only continues but grows stronger with time. Nowadays, they’re sitting comfortably as the #1 cigarillo brand in the country!
Produced with a unique, rugged design, these distinctive cheroot-style cigars boast an unfinished head, Caribbean Basin Cuban-seed tobacco, and an all-natural Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The end result is a signature aromatic smoke that only Backwoods can deliver.
In a nod to the brand's constant pursuit of variety and innovation, Backwoods presents a broad spectrum of classic flavors including Sweet Aromatic, Dark Leaf, Honey Berry, Russian Cream, Honey Bourbon, Dark Stout, Black Russian, and of course, Original.
Backwoods has also added a few new flavors to its portfolio such as Wild Rum, Banana, XO Cognac, and Vanilla; all of which you can find here in our smoke shop! We also carry the brand’s Small Batch series when they come around as well.
As for the cigars, they’re packaged in a resealable foil pack to maintain their freshness, making them the perfect solution for on-the-go moments. The cost for a box of Backwoods ranges between $28 and $43, depending on the box size and flavors you choose.
Famous for packing herbs, Backwoods Cigars continues to be a brand that believes variety is the spice of life! Offering the most sought-after cigarillos in America, you can now buy every flavor mentioned above and have them delivered straight to your front door!
Click Here To View All Our Best-Selling Backwoods Flavors