Zig Zag Cigarillos
Experience a cigar that is rich in both taste and heritage! These cigars have been around for a very long time and they are loved by many because they are made from the very best tobaccos that aren’t found in any other cigars! Apart from this, they come in fun little sizes which make them a favorite to carry around, store, and even quick to smoke! Zig Zag Cigarillos are brilliant machine-made cigars that are created by the very famous National Tobacco Company located in Kentucky, USA.
Zig Zag Cigarillos are a stunning 4 ½ inches of pure deliciousness and they come in so many different flavors! They are made from rich Dominican and Honduran that are blended to perfection and then stuffed into all-natural tobacco wrappers that burn out beautifully and slowly! What’s even better is the fact they taste exactly like hand-rolled ones but they come at the price of machine-rolled ones! You can find them right here so don’t miss out on the opportunity to shop with us and get your hands on them!