Garcia y Vega
Garcia y Vega cigars have been a beloved staple in the cigar industry since 1882. These machine-made cigars are known for their high quality, consistency, and affordable price point. Garcia y Vega cigars are made using a blend of three different types of Dominican tobacco, which gives them a distinctive flavor and aroma.
With a wide range of styles, sizes, flavors, and blends available, there's a Garcia y Vega cigar for every smoker. For a slow-burning, Corona-shaped cigar, the Garcia y Vega Presidentes is a great choice. These cigars are made with quality tobacco leaf wrappers and a robust short-filler tobacco blend. For a quick smoke break, Garcia y Vega Miniatures are a delicious option with mild-body flavors and minimal ash.
In addition to these popular choices, Garcia y Vega cigars also come in Whiffs, Pops Crystals, and Green Cigarillos. No matter which type of Garcia y Vega cigar you choose, you can expect a satisfying smoking experience from start to finish.
Buy Pipe Tobacco offers all of the most popular Garcia y Vega cigars at close to wholesale prices. With fast shipping and excellent customer service, you can't go wrong when ordering your Garcia y Vega cigars from us. So why wait, place your order today and experience one of the best cigars ever produced.